
Les Amis Ambassador Program

Do you love Les Amis?
Tell others and earn rewards!

JOIN now

How does it work?

Earn rewards & share your experience from our events with your audience.

Get commission by sharing your affiliate link or discount code with your followers, and by telling the world about Les Amis.

If you love creating content, it’s time you join the fam!

Benefits you’ll enjoy

Get extra credits to attend our your favourite events.
Free Les Amis Membership to experience our community
Social media awareness, exclusive discounts & alternative partnership opportunities.

How to Join

Step 01
Create your account and join our program here

We will respond within several days, and if your application is approved, we will provide an overview of our membership, access to the app, and the schedule of upcoming events.

JOIN now
Step 02
Attend your favourite event

As an ambassador, you'll receive a Les Amis monthly membership.

This allows you to attend one event per month, and you can choose which event you’d like to attend!

Step 02
Create exciting content and get rewarded

1. Create a video of the event you attended and your experience with Les Amis

2. Include your referral code in the caption

3. Earn credits to attend more events!

If you wish to become our ambassador, please apply via the form above or send your questions to [email protected]